Kevin Ahearn: iFAStTRAC Real Estate Training

Let’s Talk About Professionalism!

I’m currently reading a terrific book on customer service entitled:  The Customer Rules by Lee Cockerell.

In the book, the author devotes his Rule #8 to a discussion about professionalism. I found it quite interesting and worth sharing...especially as it applies to real estate agents.

I have often said in my real estate training sessions that ‘real estate is a business in search of professional status!’ As disturbing as that observation might be to the National Association Of Realtors who wants all Realtors to be viewed as ‘professionals’, my statement acknowledges progress for the real estate industry as a whole, especially when you understand that for decades real estate was nothing more than a ‘cottage-industry in search of business status!’

As Lee Cockerell correctly points out:

‘There is a stark difference between a person who is in a professional position and someone who acts professionallyProfessionalism is not about training or job title or pay grade; it is about how you conduct yourself, particularly in the presence of clients and customers….Professionals care about what they do and the impact they have on each and every customer…Professionals are inspired, and they are inspiring to others…Professionals give their all whether they are tackling a fascinating new challenge or doing something they’ve done 1000 times…Professionals show up on time and are ready to go…Professionals are self-directed, self-motivated, and self-sufficient…they are always in control of themselves and it shows!’

Do theses attributes describe who you currently are? If not, will they ever? Until they do, dispense with referring to yourself verbally, or in-print, as a real estate professional… despite what NAR wants you to think and say! Sorry NAR!

For more detailed information on this critical subject visit:

Recommended Reading: The Customer Rules…Lee Cockerell

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