Kevin Ahearn: iFAStTRAC Real Estate Training

Is Real Estate A ‘SIMPLE’ Business? An ‘EASY’ Business?

In essence, Real Estate is a 'SIMPLE' business for me, as a Real Estate Trainer to train and explain!

On its surface, Real Estate appears to be both a ‘SIMPLE’ Business AND an EASY’ Business to many agents and ‘wanna-be’ agents! IN REALITY IT IS NEITHER 'SIMPLE' OR 'EASY'! 

In the real-world of real estate, It takes less than 12 months for most of agents to arrive at the same conclusion! 

Upon entering the business, a lot of 'newbies' believe they were ‘born to be a real estate agent’!  After all, a lot of them have above-average ‘interpersonal’ skills (good looks, vibrant personalities, gifts-of-gab); higher-than-average levels of education (college and graduate degrees); and/or years of  sales, marketing and/or customer-service experience; and they’ve been told over-and- over again by friends, relatives and co-workers…’You’re a natural’!

The resulting thought-process for most of those agents is: "I understand the ‘technical/day-to-day’ work of the business: marketing, sales and/or customer-service… therefore, I understand 'The Business’ of Real Estate!" I’m a ‘shoe-in’!

Take it from a guy who had, or was told he had, ALL of those attributes and the education (MBA Marketing & Finance)IT’S NOT THAT ‘SIMPLE’! 

Until Real Estate Agents understand and accept that:

1. They are ‘Entrepreneurs’/Own a Business Within A Business’.

2. They have Multiple ‘Rolesto fill in their business.

3. They need to ‘Focus’ Daily' on Six (6) Critical Areasof their business. 

they will ‘struggle’ and, at best, to be ‘sporadically’ productive quickly become ‘disenchanted’ with Real Estate.

Yes, the Real Estate Business is ‘SIMPLE’ for trainers to introduce and explain to agents. BUT, it’s NOT an ‘EASY’ business to do productively day-in and day-out without: commitment, vision, planning, proactivity, task-prioritization, perseverance,  accountability and business-development training as offered in i-FAStTRAC (available at: 

Recommended Reading: The E Myth Real Estate Agent… Michael Gerber and Brad Korn

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