Kevin Ahearn: iFAStTRAC Real Estate Training

Don’t Become A Perpetual Trainee! ‘Know Thyself’!

You don’t need ALL the real estate training that’s out there! But, you do need SOME!

As Plato once said: ‘Know thyself’!

Truer words have never been spoken when applied to Real Estate Agent Training! 

The one kind of Real Estate training that IS needed by Agents at ALL levels of experience is Business Development Training. This is true for most Real Estate Brokers as well!

Most Brokers and Agents enter real estate under the false assumption that: ‘If I understand the technical- work of real estate: marketing, sale and customer service… I understand the ‘business of real estate’!  While helpful, nothing could be farther from from the truth!     

Business Development Training is needed by Agents at ALL levels of production & experience... But BE CAREFUL! Not ALL Business Development Training will be equally beneficial!

Analyze the Business Development Training you are evaluating based upon the following criteria:

  1. Relevance: Is it relevant to YOUR current level of productivity and length of time in real estate?
  2. Street-level: Does it reflect, and address, YOUR local 'Real-World' of real estate?
  3. Hands-on: While participating in the training, are YOU going to be an 'active participant' or more like a 'spectator'? 
  4. Targeted: By content, does it address what YOU personally need to significantly, and consistently, increase YOUR productivity?
  5. Accessible: Is the program accessible to YOU 'On-Demand' 24/7 OR are YOU required to participate in the program on someone else's schedule?
  6. Current: Does the program content reflect 'Today's' real estate market? 
  7. Affordable: Is the program reasonably priced
  8. Guaranteed: Does the program you are considering offer a 'Money-Back' Guarantee?                               

DO YOUR HOMEWORK! Start by looking at i-FAStTRAC!  Go to;

Recommended Reading: The E Myth Real Estate Agent…Michael Gerber and Brad Korn

Sign-Up for A

'FREE' 90-Minute Training Session


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