Kevin Ahearn: iFAStTRAC Real Estate Training

‘Close’, ‘Close’, ‘Close’

‘You haven’t completed The Sale until you ‘Close’ The Sale!

To insure that happens regularly…you’ve got to learn ‘how to’: ‘Close’, ‘Close’, ‘Close’!

Unfortunately, the ability to ‘Close’ The Sale is the least-best developed ‘Selling-Skill’ for most  real estate agents…assuming they’ve developed ‘Selling-Skills’ at all!

Well-trained real estate agents typically have: #1. good ‘interpersonal communication skills’ #2. good questioning skills #3. decent listening skills #4. good presentation skills #5. good objection handling skills and #6. good negotiation skills… but typically poor closing skills!

Why is that? Two (2) reasons: 1. real estate training contentand 2. real estate trainers

The thought-process of most trainers  (as reflected in their training content) is : ‘If I do a good job  training all the other skills (#1- #6 above) the ‘Close’ will take care of itself'! This thought-process, though flawed, is particularly prevalent in corporate sales training and has spilled-over into real estate training. 


Agents have got to be trained to ‘Facilitate’ The ‘Close’… ‘agents have got to learn to make The Close happen…they’ve got to become ‘Facilitators’… as is emphasized in Real Estate Business-Development Training like ifasttrac.

Real estate agents have got to learn: ‘the sale isn’t ‘Closed’ until you get a definitive ‘YES’ or a definitive ‘NO’!

To get a definitive ‘YES’ or ‘NO’ and instantly get better at ‘Closing’ The Sale simply remember: There are two (2) kinds of ‘Closes’: ‘Trail’ Closes and ‘Final’ Closes!

Also remember: ‘Magic comes in 3s!

Trail Closes ask for an opinion! Use them often! Final Closes, on the other hand, ask for a decision! Use them sparingly!

Always be prepared to ‘Close’ The Sale a minimum of 3Xs… if necessary!  To be in a position to do that, real estate agents need to ‘Master(at least) three (3) ‘Final’ Closing Techniques!

To ‘Master’ those Techniques, agents have to PDR: Practice, Drill and Rehearse until those Techniques become a part of their ‘Selling’ DNA! 

In future blogs, I will introduce readers to: a variety of TrailCloses  AND  Four (4) ‘Easily-Mastered’ Final ‘Closes’! In the interim, you can learn all you need to know about  The Close at:

Recommended Reading: Close, Close, Close… Robert Fenton

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