Kevin Ahearn: iFAStTRAC Real Estate Training

What Is A Real Estate Agent’s Job?

When asked, ‘What is a real estate agent’s job?’ most real estate agents would likely answer: listing  and selling real estate!

On the surface they’d be spot on! However, it’s a too simplistic, rather obvious, answer! Why?  For listing and selling to happen, something else more ‘fundamental’ has got to take place first…Lead Generation , Management and Conversion!

In a real estate, an agent's primary job is Lead Generation, Lead Management and Lead Conversion!

Unfortunately, most real estate agents don’t realize that! The few who do, tend to be far more ‘reactive’ than ‘proactive’ when it comes to the Lead Generation-side of the equation. They tend to rely too heavily on things like ‘floor-time’ and the broker’s Lead Generation System!

Without being exposed to agent business-development education and training like  i-FAStTRAC®, I can fully understand why agents ‘buy-into’ a ‘reactive’ Lead Generation mind-set!. I honestly think some, certainly not all, of the brokers want it that way! Why? To create a ‘dependency’ on the broker/brokerage for agent-retention purposes.

A significant part of the Lead Generation-side of the equation must address ‘time management’, the need to prioritize the prospecting the agent undertakes and the importance of being proactive and managing the Lead. Rather than just sitting around waiting for the phone to ring, or waiting for a ‘Lead’ to ‘drop-in’ their laps, agents need to be trained to be more proactive.

When it comes to ‘prioritization’, agents need to be properly introduced to creating a Personalized Master Prospecting Strategy that reflects their comfort-zone, their inter-personal communication skills, their local market-area & current market conditions with a focus on dealing in ‘specifics’… NOT ‘generalities’!

When it comes to Lead Conversion, that tends to be more of an ‘art’ than a ‘science’! However, it's an ‘art’ that can, and needs to be, trained and mastered! Agents need to be introduced to the ‘art-side’ of the equation in order to be consistently productive. And, without Lead evaluation, qualification, counseling and conversion training, the agent becomes handicapped… unable to tell the difference between a ‘highly motivated/well-qualified’ Lead and a ‘tourist, tire-kicker, time-waster’!  This ‘inability to differentiate’ applies to both buyers and sellers… and can be very costly in terms of wasted time & energy, as well as lost income... not to mention the negative impact on the agent's confidence.

To find award-winning agent business-development training that addresses Lead Generation,  Management and Conversion go to:  

Recommended Reading: The Champion Real Estate AgentDirk Zeller

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