Kevin Ahearn: iFAStTRAC Real Estate Trainer

7 Habits Of Highly Effective Real Estate Agents

“There’s Nothing Special About ‘Special’ Agents…                          
  It’s The
7 Habits They’ve Cultivated’ That Make Them ‘Special’!”

Habit #1. They set multi-level  goals  (long, intermediate and short term) that are realistic & achievable AND they plan in multiple-increments: daily, weekly, quarterly and annually. They tend to be ‘visionaries’ who ‘think outside the box’!

Habit #2. They make things happen! They’re Rain-Makers! They are highly proactive; tend to deal in specific not generalities; are laser-focused on producing results; and their mantra is:    ‘If it is to be…it’s up to me”!

Habit #3. They prioritize. Their most important priority : ’proactive’ prospecting & lead generation; they typically have a Master Prospecting Strategy’ that seeks predictable/duplicable results; typically derive more than 60% of their business from their referral-contacts; and typically lead  a balanced-life!

Habit #4. They think win-win. They operate from an Abundance Mentality’ applying this win-win mindset to their interactions with:  their broker, fellow agents, cooperating-agents, clients & customers, family-members & friends and to ALL buyers & sellers whether they  legally-represent them or not.

Habit #5. They listen…really listen and are capable of doing so at the highest-level…the empathic-level. Their mantra is‘When I listen  I have the power…when I speak I give it away’!  They know the value of  asking effective questions…and know how to ‘Get out of each question…and get into the answer’... and can do so conversationally.

Habit #6. They synergize by recognizing: ‘The whole is greater than the sum  of the parts’! As a result, they believe in teamwork, understand the value of systematizing their business, form teams and ‘partition the labor’ and hold themselves and their team-members accountable.

Habit #7. They constantly re-invent themselves and their business. They tend to be ‘education-junkies’ on an endless self-improvement crusade; invest regularly in self-improvement materials and technology; and are quick to apply what they have invested-in. They take full-advantage of 'production-oriented' training, coaching and mentoring. And...they love to read!

Recommended Reading: The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People…by Stephen R. Covey 

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